🚗 This business idea will CHANGE the sales industry

here's a no-brainer business idea you can start today

GM. This is Work "After" Work, the newsletter that puts milk in before the cereal because well, we’re different.

It’s Friday, let’s boogie:

  • 🚗 The ‘Rate My Professor’ for salesmen

  • 😂 Meme of the day


I’m in the market to buy a car because, ya know, tax perks 😅

I haven't started shopping yet. Just the thought of stepping onto a lot and into a salesman's trap has me groaning. 

Can you relate? (Reply to this email if you dread talking to car salesmen like me)

Let's be honest: Nobody hates buying a car. It's a major life decision - after all, it's not like you do it every day. 

But the real pain? Sitting for hours at a dealership, locked in a haggle battle with an annoying salesman. That's the universal headache for buyers.

And the crazy part is you can't even choose your salesman. You're stuck with the first one who swoops in - zero reviews, zero choices.

So, here's a thought. What if there was a website where we could vet salespeople? Ratings, reviews, and all the works.

Kinda like Rate My Professors (RMP), but for salesmen. 

Did anyone else use this site in college? I used to read those reviews like my GPA depended on them! It kinda did, tbh. 

If you’ve never heard of it imagine Yelp for professors.

It gives ratings along with other attributes like “would take again” and “level of difficulty”.

Then when you click a professor, students leave comments about what they liked/disliked.

And students use this a ton. The site has 20 million+ reviews and averaged over 9M monthly visitors these past 3 months. 

The sites pretty simple

Once you’re logged in you enter your school and major, choose a professor to rate, and you’re off the races.

Ratemyprofessor is especially popular when choosing courses. No surprises there. 

I used it to dodge mean and strict professors every semester when I was in school 😂 

Now, back to my car situation. I wish there was this exact site but for salesmen.  

Let’s call it ‘Rate My Salesmen’

A place where buyers can go and see salespeople reviews from previous customers. And it doesn't have to be just cars. 

It could be reviews of salesmen from any industry - jewelry, insurance, healthcare, you name it.

Think about how much headache it would save people! 

Plus, you could specifically ask for that salesman with great reviews. Rather than a random person coming up to you. 

Not only is it a win for you, it’s also a win for salesman. 

Knowing that every customer they deal with can leave a review of their service will incentivize them to provide the best. 

Because, trust me, a bad review can go a long way.

And good reviews bring in more customers and commissions!

How much can you make from this business?

The simple answer: millions.

Ratemyprofessor.com brings in around $5M-$10M every year through:

  • Ads

  • Data licensing

  • Sponsored content 

  • Premium services

But keep in mind that RMP has been active since 1999. That's over 20 years of work before they started pulling in these numbers.

You might not make millions in the first few years. But you could make a few thousand bucks every month with the right strategy. 

Here’s how to do it

You already have a working model that’s shown clear success. Use it. You don't need to start from scratch. Nor, do you need to be a tech genius. 

Follow these steps:

  • Hire a freelancer from Upwork or Fiverr to build the website. It will cost you $15-$30 per hour

  • Refer them to the Rate My Professors site. They can copy the layout or use it as inspiration

  • Get a data scraper to extract info on all the car dealerships (or any industry you like). This costs $10-$29 per hour

  • List these dealerships on your site for users to rate

Use RMP’s 1-5 rating scale:

Like Rate My Professors, you could even offer premium services on your site like: 

  • Advanced search features 

  • More data on salesmen (like contact info, which you can then make a commission for quality leads)

  • Ads removal

Next, marketing this idea

I could see something like this going viral. If it provides a ton of value for free, like ratemyprofessors, someone is bound to make a viral TikTok on it. 

Tips from ya boi:

  • Set up a website and optimize it. SEO experts would come in handy here

  • Build a community on social media. Imagine the madness if this site hits Twitter! Quora also has great spaces for your target audience

  • Run ads on Facebook 

  • Work with UGC creators to create videos you can post on TikTok or IG  

Plus, don’t underestimate the power of word-of-mouth! If the site is providing value, people will talk about it. And once that happens, users will tell their friends.

Then it’s only a matter of time until salesmen (or women) hear about it. They’ll start asking for good reviews to drive more business and then you’ve really created a huge flywheel effect that will make this thing spread like wildfire!

Would you give "rate my salesman" a try?

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If you ever wanted to see Spongebob in real life, here ya go! 😂😂


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That's a wrap! Enjoy the weekend :)

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