How to find clients that pay you thousands

here's 3 unique ways no one's talking about

GM. This is Work "After" Work, the newsletter that's like a friendly neighbor with all the juicy gossip about what's going on. And today, we're spilling all the tea!

Happy hump day, let's jump in:

  • 🧑‍💼 High Ticket Sales

  • 😂 Meme of the day

Before the heat. To the 98 new readers since my last email - Welcome to the WAW fam! đŸ˜Š We’re 30,000+ hustlers strong 💪 

*P.S. Read to the end to see how you can make $20!


If you’re good at talking with people and have a charismatic side then you could really thrive with this side hustle.

It’s called “High Ticket Sales” or a “High Ticket Closer”.

It’s helping people close big, or "high ticket" deals. Think at least $1,000.

Specifically, I’m going to focus on helping content creators sell courses, masterminds, or coaching businesses.

Most creators spend all of their time creating amazing courses and products that they forget to make time to actually sell the darn thing!

Find YouTubers and other creators selling courses and reach out to help increase their sales. They'll be willing to bring you on to see if it's a good fit because it’s at no cost to them. They only pay you when you sell a course - a win-win for both parties.

Finding people will be the easy part. There are tons of creators online selling courses, masterminds, coaching businesses, etc.

The hard part will actually be gaining good sales skills and closing deals (I’ll show you how to do this later.)

How much can you make as a high ticket closer?
There’s no cap. This is the good and the bad. You’re strictly working off commission. If you become a great salesperson you’ll make a ton of money. But on the other hand, if you don’t perform there’s no check for just showing up.

Generally, you’ll make 10-20% for a sale. So, if you sell a $1,000 course you make 100 to 200 bucks. Not bad considering you didn’t have to create a product or spend any money on marketing.

Plus, the people you connect with will already be interested. It will be people who visited the site but didn’t buy (this is how it always works). It’s your job to show the value and close those people.

How can you find creators?

There are a few methods:

#1 The algorithmic method

With this you’re going to use the YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok algorithms to literally send you clients.

I want you to put on your ‘ads hat’ for a sec.

(If you haven’t watched The Blacklist it’s a must!)

Think about ads on social media. They are served to people the algorithm thinks are going to be most interested. So for someone following and engaging with tons of mentors and coaches who sell courses and masterminds it's going to push these ads to that account.

This is exactly how you’re going to reverse engineer the algorithm to send you perfect clients to reach out to over and over again.

To do this you'll create a new Instagram account and search, for example, “real estate”.

One of the first people who pop up is thehenrywashington. This guy literally has "apply to work with me" in his bio and I can see he sells a mastermind on real estate. This is perfect.

Follow his account, watch his stories, and click ‘suggested for you’ to find other accounts like him.

If you type in “real estate entrepreneur” you'll see thejustincolby is another account who sells mastermind conference tickets.

Same thing here - follow his account, view his stories, then look for similar accounts.

Keep doing this until you follow about 50 people. Watch all their stories and in a day or two you'll start getting ads creators are pushing for their courses, which you can then reach out to and say:

“Hey Justin! I saw your ad for your [real estate course] and like your branding and message about “X”. Are you looking for a high ticket closer on your sales team?”

This is somewhat generic to give you an idea. I’d try to make it as personal as possible. Talk about what they’re selling to show you’re actually interested in what they do.

You can search for many different niches but here's a few to get you goin:

  • Fitness coaches

  • Relationship coaches

  • Financial coaches

  • Writing coaches

  • Leadership coaches

  • AI coaches

#2 Facebook Groups

Type in “high ticket sales” for FB groups and you’ll see a bunch.

Two good ones are High Ticket Simple & High Ticket Elite Closers. Both are request to join, which is better because there will be fewer scams.

The only downside to groups like these is its low barrier to entry. It's a free way of getting opportunities so lots of low quality offers and scams exist. This doesn't mean there aren't great people looking for closers, it just means you’ll have to dig.

To avoid scams look for opportunities where the founders have social proof (lots of followers and good reviews) and great marketing.

When you find a good one message the person and say: 

"Hey, I saw your post on the High Ticket FB Group. I like your branding and message about ‘X’. Are you still looking for a high ticket closer on your sales team?”

If you have any experience, mention it here as it will be your biggest advantage. If you don't, that's okay just be ready for the question "How much experience do you have?" 

This is where you just have to sell them.

Tell them you've taken courses on high ticket sales, are eager and driven to perform, how you're the person for this role, and "If I suck, fire me in a week."

Anything to show you want this and you're going to succeed if they give you the opportunity. Some people will resonate with this because they were once in that position. And some won't. It's a numbers game.

#3 Instagram similar accounts

This is the old-fashioned way - finding people on Instagram and reaching out to them directly.

If we were looking to close for fitness coach courses you could type in "Fitness Coach" and find accounts like alina_astilean.

If you go to her site you’ll see she takes calls to try and sell her coaching. This is a positive sign.

Reach out and say: 

“Hey I love your content and branding! In your testimonials, it seemed like you really helped Negar (one of her testimonials) out a lot. I think what you’re doing is awesome! I see you take booked calls - are you taking those yourself?”

If she says yeah then ask “What would you feel about me closing those for you for like 15% commission? That way you can spend all your time on marketing and booking more calls and can actually scale.”

This is a win-win for the creator as a huge portion of their day is getting on the phone with potential customers when she could be doing other things.

This is a really good one to reach out to for women specifically!

Now that you know how to get potential clients, you need to learn how to actually sell!

Luckily, the internet is a magical place where free information is abundant and full-blown courses exist on Udemy for only $15.

Typing in “high ticket sales training” on YouTube will yield you a ton of free training. I even found this one from Alex Hormozi about the power of asking “no” based questions and there’s many others like it.

Training is great but the real skills will be gained once you’ve done a few calls to see what works and what doesn’t.

Remember it only takes one good client to take a chance on you to easily make thousands of extra dollars a month. Put in the time to get good at sales and start messaging people who are selling courses.

Who knows, after you get more practice and develop your own sales style you can even start a business where you train others how to do high ticket sales. You never know where things can lead until you start.

And that’s all I got for ya today. Happy hustling! đŸ’Ş

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😂😂 even though it’s fake this has a great message: buy the market and wait. For most, this will yield you the most money.

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DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.


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