πŸ‘΅ Help senior citizens and make millions doing it!

here's two opportunities you should be looking at πŸ‘€

GM. This is Work "After" Work, the newsletter that puts you a foot from the hole - all you gotta do is tap it in!

Happy Hump Day! Let's jump in:

  • πŸ‘©β€πŸ¦³ Senior citizen opportunities

  • πŸ˜‚ Meme of the day

To the 104 new readers since my last email - Welcome to the WAW fam! 😊 We’re 30,000+ strong πŸ’ͺ 


Did you know by 2030 the US will have more than 95 million adults over 65? Meaning more than 1 in 5 people will be seniors. Feeling old yet?

We talked about how senior living facilities are ripe for disruption a few months back, as many older adults are looking for alternatives to traditional rundown nursing homes and retirement communities.

Today, we've got a different spin on things. As the number of older adults grows, the demand for activities and services that cater to their needs and interests rises with it. Many seniors want to remain active, engaged, and connected with the world around them but often face challenges such as loneliness and isolation.

More than 70% of participants at senior centers feel lonely and this data is from 2018. I'm willing to bet with covid this number is even higher now.

It’s crazy to think that there are 73 million baby boomers in the US and they’re estimated to spend a whopping $157 billion annually on travel alone! This shows they have money (from social security, investments, and family) and they're willing to spend it.

One area where there seems to be a big opportunity for seniors is in the realm of physical activity.

According to Google Trends, there has been a steady increase in searches related to senior fitness, suggesting that many older adults are looking for ways to stay in shape and maintain their health as they age.

So, if you're looking to tap into a massive and growing market of golden-agers who are looking to stay active, healthy, and connected in their golden years, this is your chance!

By offering innovative, engaging activities and services that cater to the unique needs of seniors, you'll have them jumping (well, maybe just walking or doing some gentle yoga)

Whether it's walking, yoga, swimming, Tai Chi, dancing, or creative pursuits, there's something for everyone. These activities can help improve physical fitness, balance, flexibility, and mental well-being, and let's be honest, who doesn't want to be a ripped grandparent like me in a few years.

Jokes aside, seniors need to stay fit too! But let's face it, they might not be as nimble as they once were. Only 26.1% of older Americans are regularly active.

So, what's the solution? 
Creating fitness classes tailored for older adults! Could be a group yoga session or a Tai Chi extravaganza, these activities not only help seniors stay active but also provide a perfect opportunity for them to socialize and make new friends.

And not only are seniors looking to be more healthy. They're also looking to have more fun! Here's two opportunities:

1. Up the fun and fitness

Now, we know mobility can be an issue for some older adults, so why not bring the fitness instructors to them? Setting up shop in senior living facilities or other locations where older adults gather can make it much easier for them to participate in these activities.

With some upbeat music, maybe some Stevie Wonder or the Beatles, and a lively environment, seniors can get together to stay in shape, have a sense of community, elevate their mental health, and bust out sick moves like these:

2. Get those senior citizens movin' and groovin'

Turns out, seniors still love to party, and boy do they know how.

In London, a bumpin' club known as the Posh Club is where seniors gather dressed up to a themed β€˜posh’ 1940s afternoon tea party dancing all night and having a ball.

So much so they once had to call an ambulance for a woman in her 80s who forgot to take her medication cause it was so much fun.

It only costs $15 and it’s packed!

If you love throwing events and providing a great experience for people you could do something similar working with senior living communities to bring these events to life.

With theme options such as Hawaiian night, Frozen (the movie of course) with the grandkids, '80s night, rock β€˜n’ roll night, and more, the possibilities are endless!

Negotiating a deal with senior living communities should be straightforward. If your events are successful, they can leverage them as selling points to attract more residents (and charge higher prices as part of their senior living packages).

With this arrangement, the community won't have to lift a finger. You take care of everything (and get paid for your services). Meanwhile, the community can advertise your parties to attract new clients and increase revenues.

It’s a win-win-win: the community earns more revenue, you get paid for your services, and seniors have an opportunity to stay healthy and enjoy better social lives!


Stellar Halloween costume from yesterday! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

That's a wrap! Happy hump day :)

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