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- Divorce sucks... start this service to make it easier
Divorce sucks... start this service to make it easier
step-by-step guide inside

GM. This is Work "After" Work, we help you slice through the world of side hustles like a game of Fruit Ninja.

It’s Taco Tuesday, let’s dig in:
💔 Make the divorce process easier
😂 Meme of the day

Today, I have some EXCITING news for you!
For the past couple of months, I’ve been getting tons of emails from you guys asking for something more from WAW. So today I’m happy to announce I’ll be launching the “Part Time Business Owner” Academy.
You’ll get access to:
📊 4 Additional multi-million dollar ideas with full step-by-step guides (every week)
🗄️ Access to my full backlog of side hustles and business ideas with step-by-step guides for each (150+ ideas)
💰 My personal budget sheet I use (helped me save over $100,000)
📉 My Debt Paydown Tracker (The exact way I paid off $30,000 of debt)
🧑💻 Access to a like-minded community of hustlers (ask questions, get advice, and talk to business owners)
📲 Weekly community calls (Q&A with me on business/money and growth)
And Much More!
The best part? Before I officially share this with my 4+ million followers, I’m giving you (current WAW’ers) the opportunity to subscribe at a huge pre-launch discount on February 15th (next Thursday). Mark your calendars or click here to be reminded!!
More info to come in the next couple of emails, stay tuned :)

For those of you who don’t know, last week one of the biggest YouTube couple channels announced they were getting a divorce.
They’re better known for their YT handle “The Ace Family”, which has amassed close to 20 million subscribers. So this was a BIG deal on the internet.
While everyone was talking about the divorce, the first thing that came to mind was “This must be one EXPENSIVE a** divorce.” Considering, they’ve made millions together with this channel and are worth ~$22 million.
Having never been in a divorce myself, I got to thinking about how much a divorce costs and what goes into it. The short answer: A LOT.
But here’s what I found:
It usually takes 6-12 months and ends up costing $15,000 and $20,000.

Why? Because divorce lawyers are expensive as f***! And it’s hard for people to come to terms when they’re angry, prolonging the process.
If you’re curious, the steps in a divorce are as follows:
Filing for divorce (1-2 months) - One spouse files a petition for divorce with the court. This officially starts the divorce process.
Serving divorce papers (1-2 weeks) - The petition and summons are formally delivered to the other spouse, notifying them of the divorce filing.
Discovery phase (2-3 months) - Financial documents, asset information, and other relevant materials are gathered - tax returns, bank statements, and property deeds.
Settlement negotiations (1-3 months) - The spouses and their lawyers will try to negotiate the terms of the divorce, including division of assets and debts, spousal/child support, and custody arrangements. Many divorces settle at this stage.
If no agreement is reached in #4 then it goes to trial in front of a judge, and this is when things get expensive and take years.
Fun fact - the longest divorce ever recorded was 21 years. Sheesh!
I tell you all this to illustrate one thing: divorces are messy (most of the time).
But I did find one little-known secret about divorces… you don’t actually need a lawyer if you and your spouse agree on the settlement. You don’t even need to go to court. You just file it to the court clerk’s office.
And after this, I thought “There has to be a service out there that makes this easy.”
And to my surprise, there was. It’s called “Wevorce”… but it sucks. Just take a peek at their website and Google reviews.
Even people on Reddit are leaving bad reviews.
Overall, people love the idea of handling everything online, but the service Wevorce offers doesn’t cut it. People were waiting days to get a response back from support; some were getting the wrong paperwork; and the list goes on.
But to my surprise, they’re getting new clients every single day, even though nothing is optimized for the 21st century.
So, what does this mean?
There’s a big demand for this service
And people don’t care whether they have great reviews or a great user interface
Well, that’s where you come in and do exactly what they’re doing, but better.
Here’s how:
Find a smart lawyer
Now even though you can get divorced without a lawyer, most divorces involve legal counseling to at least consult on how to fill out the paperwork properly. I'd reach out to a divorce attorney and pitch them the idea because they'll know everything about the process.
Some great questions to ask are:
What takes the longest with divorces?
What do you see people could be doing better to resolve their situations faster?
If there was an app that handled divorces online what would that process look like?
If they’re extremely knowledgeable and personable, hire them. Tell them in the beginning you’ll pay them per case. So $50/hr based on the average divorce lawyer salary.
Once you have a steady stream of customers, then go back and pitch them on full-time employment.
Build a great website
Once you have a licensed attorney on board, now it’s time to hire a website designer on Upwork or Fiverr for $15-$30/hr.
Have them remake the same website as Wevorce, but better. Include your divorce attorney’s recommendations and gripes from online reviews.
Hammer out your pricing
Wevorce charges between $3,450 and $5,850 depending on your needs, which is still way less than the average $13k - $20k. This might be why people keep using their service even though the reviews aren't great.

What I would do is come in a little higher on the pricing. Because you’re marketing yourself as a more premium version of Wevorce, people will be okay with paying a little extra.
It’s kind of like Walmart and Target. They both sell the same thing, but Target is a little more premium and provides better customer service, so people don’t mind paying the higher prices.
Find customers
When it comes to getting customers, you have to optimize your website for SEO. Whenever someone searches ‘online divorce services’ you need your website popping up.
If your website is on the first page you’ll be looking at a daily influx of customers. An SEO expert can be super helpful here. You can hire one on Upwork for $15-$35/hr.
Surprisingly, when I search for “online divorce services” there isn’t much volume for these keywords:

This means you should be able to rank for these keywords and not blow the budget on marketing.
Overall, this is a big business idea, but it has solid potential.
I can easily see it making thousands a month, mainly because just under a million people get divorced every year, and they don’t want to deal with lawyers or paperwork and have it dragged out for months. If they can do it all online and it saves them a lot of money, they’ll 100% choose that option.
What do you think of this idea? |
PS: Sadly, no one got any of the questions right on the money quiz last week... I made it tough since you money wiz’s kept getting 100%! Nonetheless, new quiz on Thursday, and since nobody got it right this one’s for $20. Don’t miss it!

😂😂 cheat code
Zoom with the best productivity feature out there.
The app runs a 20-minute update right when you log into a meeting, so you miss the entire meeting and get to blame “a technically difficulty”.
Incredible hack for deep work.
— Trung Phan (@TrungTPhan)
9:51 PM • Feb 5, 2024

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That's all I got for ya today folks!
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DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.