πŸ’Έ Make $1,000 a week with garage sales

Step by Step guide from Gary himself

GM. This is Work "After" Work, the side hustle newsletter that drops you a little surprise in your inbox every morning. We're the gift that keeps on giving.

Happy Friday, let's boogie:

  • 🏷 Garage Sales

  • πŸ˜‚ Meme of the day

Time to get goin: 1 weekEst. start-up cost: $0Potential return in 6 months: $6,000


If you don't know who Gary Vee is, it's this guy. You've probably seen him on TikTok or you've seen the guy who mimics him...the best πŸ˜‚

He's now worth $160M but everyone starts somewhere.

Just like how Gary Vee used to make his money, we're going to do. He became a master at filliping items he'd find at garage sales and would consistently make an extra $1,000 a week.

That's $52,000 a year just for spending a few hours on the weekends looking for good finds.

The best part? Gary gives a blue print to how he did it.


1. Find garage sales near you

Go to Google and type in "garage sales near me" and you'll get a bunch of sites showing all the garage sales in your area.

Garage sales typically start on Friday's so it's best to get there then or by the latest Saturday morning because you'll have the first pick and the most options to choose from.

2.  See how much it's going for on Ebay

Once you've found something you like and looks profitable, see if you're right.

Look it up on Ebay and set the filter to "sold items" and filter by highest to lowest to see how much it's gone for and if your item is in similar condition.

Don't forget about shipping costs when calculating if it's profitable. I'd aim to always be making at least a 20% margin to give you some wiggle room on any unexpected costs. 

3. Create a starting bid

Now that you have your item, it's time to list it on Ebay and don't just make a regular posting. You want to set it to auction with no "buy now" option so people bid and run up the price as much as possible.

What you're going to do is have your starting bid at the price you want to sell your find for. This way you'll never lose money on anything you sell. Any amount over your starting bid is just more profit.

4.  Sit and Wait

Once you've listed your item, nows the easy part. Just wait until someone buys it. Wrap it up, put it in a box, and ship it.

Gary Vee says he used to do this on weekends and would spend around $100 and make $1,000 from reselling his finds on Ebay. That's a pretty good payout for one or two days of scouting.


  • Negotiate - getting anything you find for cheaper is going to make you more profit. Garage sale owners are expecting people to negotiate with them anyways so don't be afraid to do it. Personally, I think it's kinda fun to see how low you can something for. If you get nervous about this, think of it as a way to better your sales skills! 😁

If you thought this side hustle was interesting you can check out Gary's blog on it!


Here's your weekend desert. Love the ingenuity πŸ˜‚ 

That's all I got for ya today folks!

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DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.


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