💸 Trends to be on the lookout for (post-pandemic)

PLUS rapid fire business opportunities

GM. This is Work "After" Work. Since so many of you liked the previous trends newsletter, I'm back with another and boy do I have some goodies!

What's poppin today:

  • 🩺 The takeover of home and health

  • 🧨 Rapid Fire Trends


It's 2022, the pandemic flipped in-office norms on its head and remote jobs are now here to stay.

Just look at how much people value being remote right now. 

Pair this with a pandemic that made people care more than ever about their health and what do you get?  

You get a world where people live in their homes 24/7 and want a space that not only provides the necessities, but benefits their health as well.

So then we have to ask, how would a home benefit your health? And there's lots of ways.

It could relax with graceful sounds or alarms, it could destress you with pleasant scents, or it could purify your air to help you sleep better. 

Here's two opportunities for you to take advantage of this home body and health-conscious culture:

1. All-In-One products geared towards corporations 

A product is all about the experience people feel from it.

A great smelling candle on a fall day under a warm quilted blanket. That’s peace, and that’s what keeps customers coming back.

When you think about products that provide peace or health in a home you have:

  • White noise maker to sleep better

  • Sun emulator to wake up naturally

  • Aroma diffuser to have a nicely scented home

  • Air purifier to breathe and sleep better

But what about a product that does all of this? An alarm, white noise maker, sun emulator, aroma diffuser, air purifier. An all-in-one, slick modern device people can put in their homes to destress and provide them health benefits.

I think that would do great. Add a Google Home to it..now that'd be a hit.

And that's where I think the opportunity lies.

Everyone has a Google Home or Alexa, but do they have one that can make your house smell like clementine on demand or wake you up peacefully with fake sun light? I haven't seen one.

Sure, the big boys could do this themselves but if you were to build an amazing product in a year that someone like Google or Amazon could just buy without having to pay for engineers and huge R&D costs, that'd be a huge time and money save.

You'd build an all-in-one design that can easily implement their device and they'd have a selling product in months, not years. That's the value you'd bring. 

2. Interior design focused on “homey” homes

Niche services are the best. You help a specific set of people and attract loyal fan bases that care about what you’re doing.

That’s why starting an interior design company around peace and health would be an amazing business. 

Not only are you able to be creative by redesigning spaces but you’re also able to help someone be more at peace and comfortable in their own homes.

You can market yourselves as turning spaces into “sanctuaries”.

This might sound super hippie but with the pandemic flipping everything upside down, people lost their jobs, lost loved ones, re-evaluated their lives to find out what’s important, and many realized - they just want to be happy and healthy.

And your company could provide that by implementing:

  • styles that bring a "homey" feel - unique artwork, creative bookshelves, designed rugs, earth-toned paints, etc.

  • plants that help keep the home healthier by increasing oxygen, removing harmful gasses, and reducing stress

Something like this:

You'd be like the DIY show, "Fixer Upper" by making homes inviting, welcoming, fun to be in, and most of all, healthy!

This would do really well in a state like California where there's a lot of people that want to be "zen" but you could also make a big difference in peoples lives by tailoring to cities that are stressed.

According to Advisory Board, the top 5 cities with the highest rates of health and safety-related stress are:

  • Detroit, MI

  • Cleveland, OH

  • Charleston, WV

  • Augusta, GA

  • Fort Smith, AR

In any of these cities, you'll find communities that would be interested in all the benefits your interior design could bring them.


🧨 Electronic systems used to be 5% of cars. In 2030, they're expected to be 50%.

The new Ford F-150 has 150M lines of code aka: software is the future.

🧨 Crypto adoption is on par with the internet's adoption in the 90's.

There's currently around 250M users today. In 2027, it's predicted to be 1B.

🧨 People saved over 60M hours by working from home.

Here's how they're spending that saved time.

That's all I got for ya today folks!!

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DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.


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